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Bananas Potassium Facts And Myths | ||||||||||||||||||
There is a lot of very false and misleading information about bananas even by supposedly reputable and alternate doctors (who do not do proper online research). Here are some of the top myths which are easily proven to be false. Please also watch the videos at the bottom, it shows just how wrong and misguided most people and many supposedly intelligent doctors actually are.
Bananas are dangerous. (see video below) This is completely nuts. Bananas are completely SAFE for you and your family, in fact it is uncertain WHERE this statement comes from. No credible medical establishment will own up to it and it appears to be yet another internet hoax. The next myth will expose this dis-information about bananas which is generally propagated by people who do not do independant research.
One of the biggest MYTHS is that Bananas are high in Potassium so you should only eat 1 or 2 a day. This a rubbish and in FACT coffee has a higher percentage of potassium (according to the USDA) than bananas yet no one cautions us about drinking only 1 or 2 cups of coffee a day. In FACT if you do the math you will easily see that doctors are good at repeating stuff but not too bright when it comes to actual research. (also see video below)
What does this mean in the USA ? The American USDA recomments a minimum of 4,700mgs of Potassium a day. So IF you divide 4,700 by 358 you get 13. What does all of that mean??? Well, according to the American Govt's own health standards, you can safely eat at least 13 bananas a day yet ignorant doctors and people who are supposed to know better, literally give out False information which scares people. In fact, this "False and Misleading" information is actually against the Australian Fair Trading ACT of 1987. What does this mean in Australia ? For adult men the RDI is 3,800 and for women it is 2,800mgs a day. This means that men can safely eat 11 bananas a day and for women it is at least 7 bananas a day. WHY is the American USDA mentioned here?
AUSTRALIAN RDI AMOUNTS So lets look at the Australian RDI amounts. According to the NVR.gov.au there are many different amounts for people depending on Age, Gender etc. See the 2016 numbers here.![]() ![]()
Too much potassium is bad for you. Considering that over 80% of people in the western world do not get even 2% of the RDI, it is hard to see this as any kind of threat to humanity. GLYPHOSATE REMOVES potassium from the body which compounds the health problems of hundreds of millions of people around the world on a daily basis. Eating foods which are high in Potassium (in this case) must be greatly beneficial to these people. (source Dr Stephanie Seneff)
DISCLAIMER The content of this website is for information purposes only. This info is not an attack on anyone or any company. If people are offended by these FACTS, I urge you to do better research and find out the FACTS for yourself instead of reading clickbait websites. VIDEOS Please watch the videos below to see just how MIS-INFORMED doctors and the public are about the health benefits of bananas. ![]()
Are Bananas Dangerous There is a lot of false information on the internet that if you eat more than a few bananas a day, that they are harmful to you. This is complete nonsense. Please check the list of food items which have MORE potassium in them than bananas. Yet no one is advising against eating these foods. The Radiation Myth ![]() SUMMARY Plus you can get more radiation sitting in front of a TV for an hour than you can by eating a dozen bananas. REMEMBER that even YOU emit radiation. Everything emits radiation. | ||||||||||||||||||